High-Resolution Metabolic and Behavioral Phenotyping Course

High-Resolution Metabolic and Behavioral Phenotyping Course

Metabolic and

May 2025 Course

Las Vegas, Nevada

May 13th -16th

The course teaches participants how to use Promethion Core for the metabolic and behavioral phenotyping of mice and rats. The participants will learn how to comprehensively phenotype rodents by combining indirect calorimetry measurements with behavior measurements. Behavior measurements include food & water intake, wheel running, and general activities such as walking or resting. The use of accessory devices such as a metabolic treadmill and a stable isotope analyzer will also be taught.

Hands On

The course leads participants through all steps of setting up and running Promethion Core; from calibrating and troubleshooting, to acquiring data, through analyzing and reporting the data.


$3,430 per participant. Included in this fee are all laboratory costs, course materials, lunches, one-on-one data analysis, review and discussion with our in-house experts, a signed copy of Dr. Lighton’s book, and many extras.

Course Materials

All coursework materials are provided including copies of all presentations.


This course is team-taught by a cross-functional group of Sable Systems Scientists and Engineers from the Research, Product Development, and Customer Support Departments. This group of experts will include Dr. John Lighton President/Chief Innovation Officer and author of more than 100 scientific publications on metabolism including the book “Measuring Metabolic Rates – a Manual for Scientists.”

For questions, more information, or to get on a wait list for the next High-Resolution Metabolic and Behavioral Phenotyping course, contact Sable Systems by email to support@sablesys.com or by phone at 702-269-4445 in the US or +49 30 53054 1002 in the EU.

Course Testimonials

“I really enjoyed the course. Especially the passion of the instruction in the presentations.”

Eric Weatherford
University of Iowa

“I am very hands on with the system and how it operates so it was great to learn more about the data processing side too.”

Abby Barlow
Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center

“I enjoyed the course. I enjoyed leaning about the history of Promethion and how it was created.”

Jaycelyn Hall
Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center

Prior Courses