Dopamine-inhibited POMCDrd2+ neurons in the ARC acutely regulate feeding and body temperature. Gaziano I, Corneliussen S, Biglari N, Neuhaus R, Shen L, Sotelo-Hitschfeld T, Klemm P, Steuernagel L, De Solis AJ, Chen W, Wunderlich T, Kloppenburg P, & Brüning JC. JCI Insight. 11/8/2022.

Dopamine-inhibited POMCDrd2+ neurons in the ARC acutely regulate feeding and body temperature Gaziano I, Corneliussen S, Biglari N, Neuhaus R, Shen L, Sotelo-Hitschfeld T, Klemm P, Steuernagel L, De Solis AJ, Chen W, Wunderlich T, Kloppenburg P, & Brüning JC. JCI Insight 11/8/2022

Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 4 (Rxfp4 ) expressing hypothalamic neurons modulate food intake and preference in mice. Lewis JE, Woodward ORM, Nuzzaci D, Smith CA, Adriaenssens AE, Billing L, Brighton C, Phillips BU, Tadross JA, Kinston SJ, Ciabatti E, Göttgens B, Tripodi M, Hornigold D, Baker D, Gribble FM, & Reimann F. Molecular Metabolism. 9/30/2022.

Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 4 (Rxfp4 ) expressing hypothalamic neurons modulate food intake and preference in mice Lewis JE, Woodward ORM, Nuzzaci D, Smith CA, Adriaenssens AE, Billing L, Brighton C, Phillips BU, Tadross JA, Kinston SJ, Ciabatti E, Göttgens B, Tripodi M, Hornigold D, Baker D, Gribble FM, & Reimann F. Molecular Metabolism 9/30/2022

Hypothalamic AgRP neurons exert top-down control on systemic TNF-α release during endotoxemia. Boudjadja MB, Culotta I, De Paula GC, Harno E, Hunter J, Cavalcanti-de-Albuquerque JP, Luckman SM, Hepworth M, White A, Aviello G, & D’Agostino G. Current Biology. 9/30/2022.

Hypothalamic AgRP neurons exert top-down control on systemic TNF-α release during endotoxemia Boudjadja MB, Culotta I, De Paula GC, Harno E, Hunter J, Cavalcanti-de-Albuquerque JP, Luckman SM, Hepworth M, White A, Aviello G, & D’Agostino G. Current Biology 9/30/2022

Targeted Suppression of Lipoprotein Receptor LSR in Astrocytes Leads to Olfactory and Memory Deficits in Mice. Hajj AE, Herzine A, Calcagno G, Désor F, Djelti F, Bombail V, Denis I, Oster T, Malaplate C, Vigier M, Kaminski S, Pauron L, Corbier C, Yen FT, Lanhers M-C, Claudepierre T. Internal Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2/12/2022.

Targeted Suppression of Lipoprotein Receptor LSR in Astrocytes Leads to Olfactory and Memory Deficits in Mice Hajj AE, Herzine A, Calcagno G, Désor F, Djelti F, Bombail V, Denis I, Oster T, Malaplate C, Vigier M, Kaminski S, Pauron L, Corbier C, Yen FT, Lanhers M-C, Claudepierre T. Internal Journal of Molecular Sciences 2/12/2022

Prenatal bisphenol-A exposure altered exploratory and anxiety-like behaviour and induced non-monotonic, sex-specific changes in the cortical expression of CYP19A1, BDNF and intracellular signaling proteins in F1 rats. Luzeena Raja G, Lite C, Divya Subhashree K, Santosh W, Barathi S. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 5/22/2020.

Prenatal bisphenol-A exposure altered exploratory and anxiety-like behaviour and induced non-monotonic, sex-specific changes in the cortical expression of CYP19A1, BDNF and intracellular signaling proteins in F1 rats Luzeena Raja G, Lite C, Divya Subhashree K, Santosh W, Barathi S. Food and Chemical Toxicology 5/22/2020

Western diet-induced obesity disrupts the diurnal rhytmicity of hippocampal core clock gene expression in a mouse model. Woodie LN, Johnson RM, Ahmed B, Fowler S, Haynes W, Carmona B, Reed M, Suppiramaniam V, Greene MW, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 5/20/2020.

Western diet-induced obesity disrupts the diurnal rhytmicity of hippocampal core clock gene expression in a mouse model Woodie LN, Johnson RM, Ahmed B, Fowler S, Haynes W, Carmona B, Reed M, Suppiramaniam V, Greene MW, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 5/20/2020