Some of the essential parameters of the bioremediation process include monitoring oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in the vicinity of the soil. Baseline field measurements of oxygen and carbon dioxide can assist in defining the region that requires active aeration as well as its radius of influence. Respirometry is an effective method for determination of the biodegradation rate of bacterial or chemical applications.
Important System Considerations
- Highest resolution, variable flow through or constant volume respirometry
- Rugged and compact systems for field use
- Benchtop systems offer automated acquisition with multiple chamber
- Broad range, high stability CO2 measurement
- Highest-resolution water vapor pressure/ RH / Dewpoint analyzer
- Expandable to include CH4 analysis
Sable SOlutions
Classic Line
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Relevant Publications
Relevant Publications
Chen, F., Xia, Q., & Ju, L. K. (2003). Aerobic denitrification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa monitored by online NAD (P) H fluorescence. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69(11), 6715-6722.
Fessenden, J. E., Clegg, S. M., Rahn, T. A., Humphries, S. D., & Baldridge, W. S. (2010). Novel MVA tools to track CO2 seepage, tested at the ZERT controlled release site in Bozeman, MT. Environmental Earth Sciences, 60(2), 325-334.
Fiúza, A., & Vila, M. C. C. (2005). An insight into soil bioremediation through respirometry. Environment international, 31(2), 179-183.
Sylva, T. Y., Kinoshita, C. M., Romano, R. T., Toma, M., Tsang, S. K., & Chang, K. (2003). Bioremediation of petroleum‐impacted soils from investigation‐derived wastes. Remediation Journal, 13(4), 79-90.
Lima, T. M., Procópio, L. C., Brandão, F. D., Carvalho, A. M., Tótola, M. R., & Borges, A. C. (2011). Biodegradability of bacterial surfactants. Biodegradation, 22(3), 585-592.
Rattanavaraha, W., Rosen, E., Zhang, H., Li, Q., Pantong, K., & Kamens, R. M. (2011). The reactive oxidant potential of different types of aged atmospheric particles: An outdoor chamber study. Atmospheric Environment, 45(23), 3848-3855.