An Introduction to Animal Respirometry
An Introduction to Animal Respirometry
An Introduction to Animal Respirometry
January 2025 Course
Las Vegas, Nevada
January 28 – 31, 2025
Our respirometry course teaches participants how to use indirect calorimetry. We will apply techniques for measuring real‐time O2 consumption, CO2 production, and water loss for subjects ranging from small invertebrates to large mammals. Participants will work on both single animal and multiplexed systems in both open‐flow and stop‐flow configurations. Data analysis is a significant focus of this course – so feel free to bring your own data sets.
Hands On
The course leads participants through all steps of setting up apparatus, calibrating and troubleshooting, acquiring data, and analyzing data using Sable Systems metabolic systems.
$2,541 per participant. Included in this fee are all laboratory costs, course materials, lunches, one-on‐one data analysis review and discussion with our in‐house experts, a signed copy of Dr. Lighton’s book, and many extras.
Course Materials
All coursework materials are provided including copies of all presentations.
This course is team-taught by a cross-functional group of Sable Systems Scientists and Engineers from the Research, Product Development, and Customer Support Departments. This group of experts will include Dr. John Lighton President/Chief Innovation Officer and author of more than 100 scientific publications on metabolism including the book “Measuring Metabolic Rates – a Manual for Scientists.”
For questions, more information, or to register, contact Sable Systems by email to or by phone at 702-269-4445 in the US or +49 30 53054 1002 in the EU.
This course is limited to 12 attendees.
Day 1
Welcome and Orientation: Introduction to workspace and equipment.
Classroom Lectures: Theory of respirometry including stop‐flow and open‐flow techniques. Fundamentals of gas analysis. Instruction on integrating instrumentation and acquisition systems for maximum productivity.
Introduction to Data Acquisition: Initial work with Expedata software and instrumentation begins that afternoon.
Day 2
Additional Lectures: Review of Day 1 lectures and additional information about analyzer functions.
System Setup: Complete setup of a respirometry system. Several different stations are setup for different subjects of study.
Data Acquisition: Using Expedata, set up the data acquisition to coordinate with the various respirometry systems at each station.
Day 3
Data Acquisition: Using Expedata, acquire data from various respirometry systems continues. Participants will measure metabolism under the close supervision of instructors.
New Techniques: Stop‐flow and high‐throughput systems are discussed and setup by students.
Data Analysis: Advanced Expedata analysis tools begins toward the end of the day.
Day 4
Data Analysis: Methods for automating and repeating data analyses will be covered in detail.
Advanced Data Analysis: New techniques in data analysis will be covered on an individual basis.
Future Considerations: Group discussions on what the data tells us – and what it doesn’t. Students will compare and contrast different experimental approaches.
Testimonials from other Sable Systems courses

“I really enjoyed the course. Especially the passion of the instruction in the presentations.”
Eric Weatherford
University of Iowa

“I am very hands on with the system and how it operates so it was great to learn more about the data processing side too.”
Abby Barlow
Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center

“I enjoyed the course. I enjoyed leaning about the history of Promethion and how it was created.”
Jaycelyn Hall
Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center