Promethion Core Metabolic System, Rat

Synchronize metabolism measurements with behavioral events for comprehensive phenotyping

Promethion Core Metabolic System, Rat

Synchronize metabolism measurements with behavioral events for comprehensive phenotyping

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  • Highest resolution oxygen and carbon dioxide gas analyzers
  • Optional high resolution methane analyzer and stable isotope analyzer
  • Comprehensive activity measurements including running, eating, and drinking
  • Compatible with telemetry, optogenetic, and other 3rd party equipment
  • Elegant design that minimizes footprint while maximizing simplicity of use
  • Real-time system monitoring & experiment analysis by Promethion Live software


The Promethion Core Metabolic System gives you the truest and most trustworthy results from your rat phenotyping studies. At the heart of the system is the highest resolution metabolic measurement instrumentation, yielding accurate resting and active energy expenditure values.

Second-by-second behavioral measurements provide the highest data granularity. Promethion Core tightly synchronizes all metabolic and behavioral data, allowing you to pinpoint and correlate metabolism changes with behavioral events.  All the raw data is saved for further data mining.

Other systems try to match Promethion Core’s performance by employing an oversampling technique, for example, continuous gas measurements of each cage. But due to these systems’ low-resolution gas analyzers and requisite slow air-exchange rates, continuous oversampling simply results in useless and redundant data (see video “The Effects of Cage Air-Flow Rate”).

The system is expandable to measure, in real time, gut microbiome methane production with our methane analyzer, fuel utilization research with our stable isotope gas analyzer, and temperature/light-controlled studies with our Environmental Control Cabinet. The Environmental Sensor Array (ESA) data is also available in real-time to correlate any changes in the environment with the metabolic and behavioral changes. You can even  connect 3rd party equipment such as telemetry and optogenetic systems.

The entire system is compact and self-contained to save valuable lab space, allowing up to 8 cages in an environmental cabinet. Your workflow is efficient with swappable components and magnetic mounts for quick exchange of food hoppers and water bottles.

The new Promethion Live software enables you to control all aspects of your study. The simplified interface maximizes experiment success with intuitive system and experiment setup. One-step gas calibration ensures accurate respirometry measurements. Status indicators for vital components verify system performance. Constant monitoring of all parameters means you will always know the well-being of each animal. Routine experiment configurations can be easily saved and reused.

With Promethion Live, you can explore comparative trends during an experiment looking at every parameter measured, such as running speed, food consumed, or energy expended (data shown). You’re empowered with the real-time experiment and animal information needed to make key decisions at any time, from any place.

Key Components

  • Promethion Core instrumentation includes:
    • Triple gas single path analyzer
    • 8-channel flow generator and multiplexer
    • Promethion Live onboard computer and memory
  • Standard size home cage
  • Precision mass monitors
  • Magnetic mount food hopper
  • Magnetic mount water bottle with sipper tube
  • 2- or 3-dimensional infrared beam break array
  • Promethion live software platform
  • Desktop computer with monitor

Optional Components

  • Body mass habitat
  • Running wheel
  • Access control door for food hopper
  • Environmental Sensor Array (ESA)
  • Environmental control cabinet
  • Telemetry bases for body temperature and heart rate
  • Stable Isotope Analyzer (13CO2)
  • Methane Analyzer

View map of Promethion Core and Promethion Room Calorimetry academic installations


Please refer to individual components for specifications, or contact Customer Support.


Promethion Core – brochure
Promethion Live Software – brochure
Environmental Control Cabinets – Product Note

contact us

Please fill out the form here and our specialists will help configure the right system for your needs or provide you with a detailed quote.

To request manuals and software updates, or find warranty and service information, please contact our Support department.