Post-translational control of beige fat biogenesis by PRDM16 stabilization. Wang Q, Li H, Takima K, Verkerke ARP, Taxin ZH, Hou Z, Cole JB, Li F, Wong J, Abe I, Pradhan RN, Yamamuro T, Yoneshiro T, Hirschhorn JN, Kajimura S. Nature. 8/17/2022.

Post-translational control of beige fat biogenesis by PRDM16 stabilization

Wang Q, Li H, Takima K, Verkerke ARP, Taxin ZH, Hou Z, Cole JB, Li F, Wong J, Abe I, Pradhan RN, Yamamuro T, Yoneshiro T, Hirschhorn JN, Kajimura S.

