Sable Announces the Release of New Metabolic Treadmill for Mice
Sable Systems is pleased to announce the release of its new Metabolic Treadmill for mice. The treadmill coupled to Sable’s Promethion Core or Classic Line metabolic measurement systems delivers a complete solution for exercise testing. As with our metabolic phenotyping cages, the metabolic treadmill sets the standard for performance.
Now you can perform cardiorespiratory fitness tests analogous to human fitness tests, including sub-maximal tests and maximal tests to assess VO2max. Operation is simple. Set, save, and reuse experimental parameters for consistent runs and rapid turnaround time.
The metabolic treadmill is the first mouse metabolic treadmill with automated chamber leveling to ensure accurate incline and trustworthy results. It has a wide range of settings for the automated control of speed, acceleration, and inclination. The metabolic treadmill resolves and synchronizes rapid changes in metabolism (VO2, RER, EE, fuel utilization) with changes in treadmill speed or incline.
Sable understands that not all mice are the same, so the treadmill provides four options for stimulating the mouse to exercise – light, sound, electric shock, and manual push brush. Clear chamber windows and insertable backgrounds for contrast enhancement optimize video recordings of light or dark colored mice.
Together with Promethion Live software, the treadmill provides real-time experiment monitoring and graphing of experimental data. Pull-mode respirometry and optimal air flow design ensure highest accuracy, eliminating air-circulation artifacts generated by the moving belt. Care is taken to ensure the incurrent airstream is not altered by the researcher’s respiration. The superior performance of our gas analyzers delivers you the industry best metabolic measurement accuracy and resolution, allowing you to see what others miss.