In searching for biological origins of obesity, Louisiana lab goes back to the beginning of life

In searching for biological origins of obesity, Louisiana lab goes back to the beginning of life

Is metabolism set from birth? One lab is studying newborns to find out.

The Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana — the only lab in the world equipped to measure metabolism in infants — hopes to reveal the origins of obesity. The infant metabolic chamber was designed by Russell Rising (Metabolic consultant, D & S Consulting Services Inc. Manhattan, NY) and uses Sable’s Promethion Room Calorimetry system.

Metabolic Adaptations: The Physiology of Cold Acclimatization and Exercise in Rodent Models
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Metabolic Adaptations: The Physiology of Cold Acclimatization and Exercise in Rodent Models

DATE: Thursday, September 30, 2021, – 11:00 am ET (Eastern Time – North America). Join Jonas Treebak, PhD and Alexander Bartelt, PhD for a deep dive into the physiological mechanisms underlying metabolic adaptations to exercise training and cold exposure.

Inside Scientific Webinar: Comfort Food: Effects of Stress and High-Fat Diets on Neuronal Activity and Mitochondrial Remodeling in Mice
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Inside Scientific Webinar: Comfort Food: Effects of Stress and High-Fat Diets on Neuronal Activity and Mitochondrial Remodeling in Mice

Julio Ayala, PhD and Matthew Robinson, PhD discuss their research focusing on high-fat feeding behavior in mice and the effects of stress and exercise on metabolism and obesity. To watch the full archived webinar, click here.